Aurelon Open API 8.1.1
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AOI_ColorSpace_ICC Class Reference

ICC Profile. More...

Inherits AOI_ColorSpace.

Public Member Functions

const icHeader & GetHeader () const
void GetDescriptor (char *) const
void GetICCData (uint8_t *) const
uint32_t GetType () const
AOI_ColorSpaceEnum Space () const
uint32_t NrOfComponents () const
const char * ChannelName (uint32_t) const
void GetCIELab (const uint16_t *src, float *out) const

Detailed Description

ICC Profile.

Definition at line 49 of file AOI_ColorSpace.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ChannelName()

const char * AOI_ColorSpace::ChannelName ( uint32_t channel) const

Returns the channel name of the requested channel of the colorspace. Thus "Red" for channel 0 of RGB.

channelIndex of the channel. Must be less than NrOfComponents
Name of the channel.
See also

Definition at line 133 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ GetCIELab()

void AOI_ColorSpace::GetCIELab ( const uint16_t * src,
float * out ) const

Retrieve the CIELab color of the given channel values. The channel values are converted to CIELab D50. The conversion follows the rules as explained in the PDF colorflow diagram. When no suiteable conversion to CIELab is available default conversions will be used. For example calling this method on a AOI_ColorSpace_DeviceRGB instance will invoke the build-in generic RGB to CIELab convertor.

srcInput channels 16 bits encoded. The number of channels must match the colorspace channel count
outReceives the resulting L, a, b values. L [0,100], a <-128,127], b <-128,127]

Definition at line 149 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ GetDescriptor()

void AOI_ColorSpace_ICC::GetDescriptor ( char * desc) const

Gets the description used by the ICC profile that is hold by this colorspace object.

descString to hold the description of the ICC profile. Needs to be 256 bytes long.

Definition at line 281 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ GetHeader()

const icHeader & AOI_ColorSpace_ICC::GetHeader ( ) const

Returns the ICC header of the ICC profile that is hold by this colorspace object.

icHeader of the ICC profile used.

Definition at line 270 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ GetICCData()

void AOI_ColorSpace_ICC::GetICCData ( uint8_t * data) const

Gets the ICC profile that is hold by this colorspace object. The size of the buffer can be retrieved by inspecting icHeader.size retrieved using GetHeader.

dataBuffer to hold raw ICC profile data.
See also

Definition at line 294 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ GetType()

uint32_t AOI_ColorSpace::GetType ( ) const

Class type of the colorspace. The return value is the type identifier of the colorspace class like AOI_ColorSpace_DeviceCMYK::Type for DeviceCMYK. This value is used to identify the colorspace type like CMYK, RGB, ICC, etc.

Colorspace class type.

Definition at line 97 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ NrOfComponents()

uint32_t AOI_ColorSpace::NrOfComponents ( ) const

Returns the number of channels that is used by this colorspace. Thus 3 channels for RGB and 4 for CMYK etc.

Number of channels used by the colorspace.

Definition at line 120 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

◆ Space()

AOI_ColorSpaceEnum AOI_ColorSpace::Space ( ) const

Colorspace used by the colorspace object. Multiple colorspace objects might return the same colorspace. For example DeviceRGB, CalibratedRGB and a RGB ICC profile all return AOI_RGBSpace.

Colorspace used by the object.

Definition at line 109 of file AOI_ColorSpace.cpp.

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